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new actor(string, [x, y], [width, height], [offsetX, offsetY])
Parameters Type Description Default Value
string string Image URL or color code format. "color: #FFFFFF"
[x, y] number[] The top left position of the actor in pixels. [0, 0]
[width, height] number[] The width and height of the actor in pixels. [32, 32]
[offsetX, offsetY] number[] The offsets used for positioning the actor. [0, 0]


Attributes Description
image Holds the image object if an image source is provided.
usingColor Indicates whether the actor is using a color instead of an image.
color Holds the color value if the actor is using a color.
conditions Object holding various conditions for the actor.
conditions.canExitCanvas Tells wether the actor can leave the canvas or not. default: true
conditions.isDraggable Whether you can drag it or not. default: false
scale The scale of the actor in an array x: [0], y: [1].
x, y Current position of the actor.
offsetX, offsetY Offsets used for positioning.
drag Object for handling dragging functionality. More info at template/drag in github.
hitbox Hitbox object for collision detection.
width, height Dimensions of the actor.
halfwidth, halfheight Half of the width and height of the actor.
pos Position coordinates of the actor in an array x: [0], y: [1].
anglex, angley Position coordinates used for positioning calculations. Has nothing in common with angle !
angle Angle of rotation for the actor (in degrees).
alpha Transparency of the actor.
radius The amount of rounding corners use array for changing independently each corner or a number to change all corners. A boolean flag indicating whether the stroke (outline) should be active or not.
stroke.color A string representing the color of the stroke in hexadecimal, RGB, or other supported formats.
stroke.width A numerical value representing the width of the stroke in pixels.
left, right, top, bottom Boundaries of the actor.



The draw() method is responsible for rendering the actor onto the canvas based on its current properties.


import { start, setup, clear, canvas, actor } from "/source/modules/index.js"
import "/source/Addons/DefaultScreenshot.js"

setup(1920, 1080, 1);

let size = 256
let x = canvas.width / 2 - size/2
let y = canvas.height / 2 - size/2

let actor1 = new actor("/source/images/bunny.png", [x, y], [size, size], [0, 0])

window.addEventListener("pjsUpdate", () => {




The drawAnchorPoint() method renders an anchor point for the actor on the canvas. (anchor point is from where the actor rotates)


Anchor Point can be offseted with offsetX, offsetY


import { start, setup, clear, canvas, actor } from "/source/modules/index.js"
import "/source/Addons/DefaultScreenshot.js"

setup(1920, 1080, 1);

let size = 256
let x = canvas.width / 2 - size/2
let y = canvas.height / 2 - size/2

let actor1 = new actor("/source/images/bunny.png", [x, y], [size, size], [0, 0])

window.addEventListener("pjsUpdate", () => {




The method determines the angle between the actor's current position and the specified target point and makes the actor angle toward the point, considering the actor's center as the reference for now until the offset is added in.

Parameters Type Description Default Value
point number[] The pos of the point -


Changes the image/color of the actor.

Parameters Type Description Default Value
string string Image URL or color code format. -


If the number of steps is positive, the sprite will move forward in the direction it's facing.

Parameters Type Description Default Value
steps number Amount of pixels to move -


Flips the actor on a specified axis.


Use this as the values for axis horizontal, h, x, vertical, v or y.

Valid axis: horizontal, h, x, vertical, v or y.

Parameters Type Description Default Value
axis string The axis to flip the actor from -

grow(x, y)

Increases or decreases the size of the actor.

Parameters Type Description Default Value
x number Amount by which to increase width -
y number Amount by which to increase height -