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new rect([x, y], [width, height], color)
Parameters Type Description Default Value
[x, y] number[] The top left position of the rect in pixels. [0, 0]
[width, height] number[] The width and height of the rect in pixels. [32, 32]
color string color undefined


If color is undefined it will be randomized


Attributes Description
color Holds the color value if the rect is using a color.
x, y Current position of the rect.
hitbox Hitbox object for collision detection.
width, height Dimensions of the rect.
halfwidth, halfheight Half of the width and height of the rect.
pos Position coordinates of the rect in an array x: [0], y: [1].
anglex, angley Position coordinates used for positioning calculations. Has nothing in common with angle !
angle Angle of rotation for the rect (in degrees).
alpha Transparency of the rect.
radius The amount of rounding corners use array for changing independently each corner or a number to change all corners. A boolean flag indicating whether the stroke (outline) should be active or not.
stroke.color A string representing the color of the stroke in hexadecimal, RGB, or other supported formats.
stroke.width A numerical value representing the width of the stroke in pixels.



The draw() method is responsible for rendering the rect onto the canvas based on its current properties.


import { start, setup, clear, canvas, rect } from "/source/modules/index.js"
import "/source/Addons/DefaultScreenshot.js"

setup(1920, 1080, 1);

let size = 256
let x = canvas.width / 2 - size / 2
let y = canvas.height / 2 - size / 2

let Myrect = new rect([x, y], [size, size], "#FF00FF")

window.addEventListener("pjsUpdate", () => {

